Page 71 (1/2)
Nim ran off to wake Mother Dust
"Do you knohat this , eyes wide I’ a bomb attack will do that to a person
"I’rine who sent that parrot," I said
"Obviously …"
"And Caul knohere we are"
"If he didn’t before, he does now Messenger birds are trained to find people even if the sender doesn’t have their exact address"
"It definitelyat the thought
"Yes--but itelse, too Caul’s scared of us He wouldn’t have bothered trying to kill us otherwise"
"Maybe," I said
"Definitely And if he’s scared of us, Jacob …" She narrowed her eyes atto be scared of"
"He isn’t frightened," said Bentha his head from the folds of PT’s neck "He should be, but he isn’t That parrot wasn’t meant to kill you, only to incapacitate It see Jacob alive"
"Me?" I said "What for?"
"I can think of only one reason Word of your perforast reached him, and it convinced him you’re quite special"
"Special how?" I said
"My hunch is this: he believes you may be the last key to the Library of Souls One who can see and manipulate the soul jars"
"Like Mother Dust said," whispered Emma