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"Where’s the fun in that? Surprises are much better"
"Tickles must’ve taken a fancy to you," said another "He chewed the legs off his last visitor!"
"That’s nothing," said a head with a shiny hoop earring like a pirate "Once I saw him tie a rope around a peculiar, lower him into the river for five minutes, then reel him up and eat him"
"Peculiar al dente," the third said, iourmand"
Not quite ready to stand, I scooted over a few feet to E her head, he tested his weight on an injured paw
"You okay?" I asked
"I knockedas I parted her hair to examine a trickle of blood
Addison held up a limp paw "I fear it’s broken I don’t suppose you could’ve asked the beast to set us down gently"
"Very funny," I said "Come to think of it, why didn’t I just tell it kill to all the wights and rescue our friends, too?"
"Actually, I ondering the sa"
"Well, I’m not," she said I dabbed at her wound with my shirt cuff She drew a sharp breath and pushed my hand away "What happened back there?"
"I think the hollow understood me, but I couldn’t make it obey I don’t have a connection with that hollow like I do--did--with the other one"
That beast was dead, crushed under a bridge and probably drowned, and noas a little sorry about it
"How did you connect with the first one?" asked Addison
I quickly recounted how I’d found it frozen in ice up to its eyeballs, and after a night spent in strangely intied to safe-crack soy
"If you had no connection with the bridge hollow," said Addison, "why did it spare our lives?"
"Maybe I confused it?"
"You need to get better at this," Eet Addison across"