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Library of Souls Ransos 15370K 2023-09-01

"I said nothing of the sort," shrugged the boat himself with a rat plucked fro"

While he placed the rat gently aside, I gathered Eht huddle "What do you think?" I whispered "Could this … devil place … really be where our friends were taken?"

"Well, they have to be keeping their prisoners inside a loop, and a pretty old one," said Ee forward and die after a day or two …"

"But what do the wights care if we die?" I said "They just want to steal our souls"

"Maybe, but they can’t let the ymbrynes die They need thehts’ crazy plan?"

"All that stuff Golan was raving about I the world …"

"Yeah So they’ve been kidnapping ymbrynes for months and need a place to hold theht? Which hty, a hundred years at least And if Devil’s Acre is really a lawless jungle of depravity …"

"It is," said Addison

"… then it sounds like a perfect spot for wights to secret away their captives"

"Right in the heart of peculiar London, too," said Addison "Right under everyone’s noses Clever little blighters …"

"Guess that settles it," I said

Emma stepped susting, horrible place you described, please"