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Chapter One
His skin was the color of charred bronze, which wasn’t a way I’d ever described anything before Actually,at so intently, especially not at the gym But I watched him I was transfixed by the sheer flawlessness of thehis flesh Sweetacross the small specs of hair that lay sparse across his chiseled upper body I kneas staring, but I couldn’t seeaze away I wasundoubtedly from the heat that coiled from within him
It was like wisps ofsu to the pri the fire starting between od in my eyes I took stock of the man He was tall, dark, perfect skin, al and svelte with every ht it was
Onlookers and passerby’s melted into my periphery as I looked at this man I knew I too was looked at often, butintoin comparison to the beauty of thebut him It was as if my very world narrowed down into that moment where I stared transfixed at him, completely enamored with his mere existence No one else existed to me at that very moment No one else could compete in his space
This God, I thought in awe No one else co iron in the gym that I visited every day, and yet here I was sure that I had never seen the otten him He wasn’t even the type of man that I usually went for, and yet I couldn’t think of anything else but him I only hoped that he wouldn’t notice the intensity in which I was staring at him, and yet another part of me wanted him to see me
As if reading odly aze toward ht anywith one bicep curled, flashing a coy smile I needed to know him, but suddenly my fate was altered in one simple smile It was as if he had cast a net, and I had not even et out from under it I had stood there, duel I could feelthe o see him I watched as his eyes never left mine, and he continued to do reps He continued to work as if nothing else mattered in the world
“Hey” I said, and I had never sounded so more demure as I did in that moment I sounded completely vulnerable, but who couldn’t be vulnerable in comparison to such perfection?
“Hello…” He said, and I felt compelled to say my name
“Carlie” I said, and he smiled
“Hello, Carlie” He said in a deep, husky voice with an accent that I couldn’t quite place, but I was sure that it’dthat would always seem exotic to me Even my own name
“Ivan” He said, and I sh hand to me I went to shake it, but instead he clutchedit up to his lips as he kissed my knuckles That’s when I knew that he must be a God No one acted like that any, desire and need double inside of ht
Chapter Two
Everything seemed to pass in a blur I couldn’t help it He had romanced me off my feet in a way that I didn’t think men could There was that small voice inside of me that didn’t think that I orthy of this man, but wherever ent people stared No matter where ent they smiled at us, and awk, and I thought at first that it was because of hi atto the attention that they gave me when I ith Ivan as well
“They knoe are” I reht, going from the restaurant to his loft
“What?” I asked, as he opened the door for ant Porsche like it should always belong tobehind the steering wheel as well There was a devilish, alrin on
his face as he looked ateyes He filled the car more than any man should His presence seemed to crackle in the air around us
“That we’re top in this world Lean, fit, beautiful” He said, each word like a gentle caress
“That we belong at the top You belong at the top too, ” He told me, and I blushed deep and darkly compared to my tanned, olive colored skin I had wild hair that seemed damp with the moisture in the air, and I wondered how
Nothing around h I wanted more I deserved ht now Cutting vegetables to havetask to concentrate on before My ain wandered
That night was like no other It was beautiful and it was priest, hardest cock I had ever seen It was thick, long, andelse about him I wanted to marvel at it, and I quickly took it in my mouth as I watched those perfect, dark eyes narrow in aers wrapped in my wild hair
I mewled around it with need, and he hadn’t letUnlike most men ould have just climbed on top ofon top of my lean body until he was finished Instead, he had pickedme on my hands and knees with e, calloused hands had grabbedthrust
It seemed like ing ain in a rhythmic perfect pattern that I still couldn’t seeentle at first, but deter to be needed between us I hadn’t been drunk I hadn’t even drank that night, but I was drunk on anticipation and lust that I had been feeling since I saw hiym I had found out that he was sixty-one, and I was about to turn twenty-one I knew that should be a turn off, but as I thought when I heard it, it just ined My own personal sex God, which he proved again and again as I ca on his cock as he filled every inch of me
I nearly cut, I went to clean the blade and put the cabbage in the colander so that I could rinse it Stir fry was one of(she had been in Wales for the longest tiotten in earlier this ood i of everything, once again feeling the slickness betweenof all of the ways he had openedmy most primal side scream ild abandon for him to never stop