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"Oh," she said It was not at all difficult to sound breathless She was nervous, knowing how iht impression on him "I didn’t realize that so in the light of the terrace torch His foring from his padded shoulders Despite the fact that he was approximately three inches taller than Annabelle, she would not have been surprised to learn that they were the saht His posture was at once diffident and oddly tense, like that of a deer poised for a sudden, bounding retreat As she stared at him, Annabelle had to admit silently that Kendall was not the kind of man whom she would have had any natural attraction to On the other hand, she didn’t like pickled herring, either But if she was starving and sooing to turn her nose up at it

"Hullo," Kendall said, his voice cultured and soft, though a bit high-pitched "There’s no need to be alar as if the effort had pained her "Forgiveyour privacy, sir I wanted a breath of fresh air" She inhaled until her brsts pressed becoly at the seams of her bodice "The atmosphere inside the house was rather oppressive, wasn’t it?"

Kendall approached with his hands half-raised, as if he feared she lass of water?"

"No, thank you A few racefully into the nearest chair "Although…" She paused and tried to look self-conscious "It wouldn’t do for us to be seen out here unchaperoned Especially as we haven’t even been introduced"

He ht bow "Lord Kendall, at your service"

"Miss Annabelle Peyton" She glanced at the empty chair nearby "Do have a seat, please I promise, I shall hurry away as soon as my head clears"

Kendall obeyed cautiously "No need for that," he said "Stay as long as you wish"

That was encouraging Mindful of Lillian’s advice, Annabelle pondered her next re exhaustively pursued by a score of wo that she was the only one as not interested in hiuess why you came out here alone," she said with a ser wolance of surprise "As a matter of fact, yes I must say, I have never attended a party with such excessively friendly guests"

"Wait until the end of the month," she advised "They’ll be so friendly by then that you’ll need a whip and a chair to hold the that I’ voice to the obvious

"The only way you could be et is if you drehite circles on the back of your coat," Annabelle said,hi to the terrace are,far more comfortable than he had at first "I’m afraid I can’t holdto drink for the sake of being social"

Annabelle had never entlemen equated manliness with the ability to drink a sufficient quantity of liquor to inebriate an elephant "Does it make you ill, then?" she asked sy I’ve been told that tolerance improves with practice--but it seems a rather pointless objective I can think of better ways to pass the tireat care "A walk through the countryside A book that improves the mind" His eyes contained a sudden friendly twinkle "A conversation with a new friend"

"I like those things, too"

"Do you?" Kendall hesitated, while the sounds of the river and the sway of the trees seeht joinI know of several excellent ones around Stony Cross"

Annabelle’s sudden eagerness was difficult to contain "I would enjoy that," she replied "But dare I ask--what about your entourage?"

Kendall s a row of small, neat teeth "I don’t expect that anyone will bother us if we depart early enough"

"I happen to be an early riser," she lied "And I love to walk"

"Six o’clock, then?"

"Six o’clock," she repeated, standing froo back inside-- much better, however Thank you for your invitation, rin "And for sharing the terrace"

As she went back inside, she closed her eyes briefly and let out a sigh of relief It had been a good introduction--and far easier than she had anticipated to attract Kendall’s interest With a bit of luck--and soht be able to catch a peer; and then everything would be all right


When the after-supper visiting was concluded,As Annabelle walked through one of the arched entrances of the drawing roo for her S at their expectant faces, she ith thee a few private words

"Well?" Lillian de on a ith Lord Kendall to," Annabelle said


"Alone," Annabelle confir accompanied by a herd of husband hunters"