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London, 1841

Although Annabelle Peyton had been warned all her life never to take ers, she made an exception one day…and quickly discovered why she should have heeded her mother’s advice

It was one of her brother Jeremy’s rare holidays froone to see the latest panorama show in Leicester Square It had taken teeks of household economy to save theoffspring of the Peyton faer brother had always been unusually close despite the ten-year difference in their ages Childhood illnesses had taken the two infants who had been born after Annabelle, neither of the lived to see their first birthday

"Annabelle," Jeremy said as he returned from the panorama ticket stand, "do you have any lance "I’ shortly, Jeremy pushed back a swath of honey-colored hair that had fallen over his forehead "They’ve doubled the price for this show--apparently it’s far more expensive than their usual production"

"The advertiseher prices," Annabelle said indignantly Lowering her voice, shepurse in the hopes of finding an overlooked coin

The twelve-year-old Jere over the columned entrance of the panorama theater… THE FALL OF THEROMAN EMPIRE: A SHOW OF MAXIMUM ILLUSION WITH DIORAMIC VIEWS Since its opening a fortnight earlier, the show had been crammed with visitors who had been impatient to experience the wonders of the Ro back in time"--people raved afterward The usual sort of panora vieith an intricately painted scene So were used to , while a lecturer moved around the circle to describe faraway places or fa to the Times, however, this new production was a "dioramic" viehich meant that the painted canvas was made of transparent oiled calico, illuminated from the front and sohts Three hundred and fifty viewers stood on a roundabout in the center, which was operated by twothe show The interplay of light, silvered glass, filters, and actors hired to play the part of beleaguered Romans, resulted in an effect that was labeled an "animated exhibition" From what Annabelle had read, the final cli volcanoes was so realistic that some of the wo the purse fro and handed it back to Annabelle "We have enough for one ticket," he said in a o inside I didn’t want to see the shoay"

Knowing that he was lying for her benefit, Annabelle shook her head "Absolutely not You go in I can see a panorama anytime I want--you’re the one who’s always away at school And the show is only a quarter hour long I will visit one of the nearby shops while you’re inside"

"Shopping with no money?" Jeremey asked, his blue eyes frankly skeptical "Oh, that sounds like loads of fun"

"The point of shopping is to look at things, not to buy"

Jere that poor people say to console the Bond Street Besides, I’o anywhere alone--you’ll have everyon you"

"Don’t be silly," Annabelle aze swept over her fine-boned face, her blue eyes, and the swath of pinned-up curls that gleaold beneath the tidy brim of her hat "Don’t bother with false modesty You’re well aware of your effect on e, you don’t hesitate towith a pretend-frown "To your knowledge? Ha! What do you know of my interactions with men, when you’re away at school oing to change," he said "I’ back to school this ti a job"

Her eyes widened "Jere It would break Mama’s heart, and if Papa were alive--"

"Annabelle," he interrupted in a low voice, "we have no s for a panoraet," Annabelle said sardonically, "with no education, and no advantageous connections Unless you’re hoping to become a street sweeper or an errand boy, you had better stay in school until you’re fit for decent eentleht"

"A fine husband you’ll catch with no dowry," Jeremy retorted

They frowned at each other until the doors were opened and the crowd surged past the a protective arm around Annabelle, Jereet the panora else instead--so"

"Such as?"

A thoughtful moment passed When it becale suggestion, they both burst into laughter

"Master Jere, Jereer "Mr Hunt," he said heartily, extending his hand "I’rown a head taller since I saw you last" The man shook hands with hi Annabelle’s confusion, Jereer motioned his friends to enter the rotunda without him "Mr Hunt--the butcher’s son," Jeremy whispered "I’ve met him a time or two at the shop, when Mama sent me to fetch an order Be nice to him--he’s a capital fellow"

Be that Mr Hunt was unusually well dressed for a butcher’s son He wore a smart black coat and the new style of uise the lean, powerful lines of the body beneath Likethe theater, he had already rehtly wavy hair He was a tall, big-bonedfeatures, a long blade of a nose, a wide uish the irises from the pupils His was an utterlyabout the eyes andto frivolity It was clear to even an undiscerning viewer that this man was rarely idle, his body and his nature patterned by hard work and keen ambition

"My sister, Miss Annabelle Peyton," Jeremy said "This is Mr Simon Hunt"

"A pleasure," Hunt h his lint in his eyes that ie flutter just beneath Annabelle’s ribs Without knohy, she shrank back into the shelter of her young brother’s arm even as she nodded to hiaze fronition had passed between them…not as if they had met before…but as if they had come close several times until finally an ie fancy, but one she couldn’t seem to dismiss Unnerved, she remained a helpless captive of his intent stare, until her cheeks were infused with hot, unwelcome color