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Page 44 (1/1)

Gone Lisa McMann 6390K 2023-09-01

She thinks about Captain, and her eyes get ood to have fa so it catches the glow from the streetla to her lips Holds it there Then lifts it up to the sky Says, "Hey, Henry" and stops, because her throat hurts too s--or wires--buzzing in their last days of suain

She thinks about herback to another Al-Anon ht even share her own story someti commitments Each day as it comes

Janie takes a deep breath and feels the briskness of the night filling her lungs She sits a moment more on the step, and then eases to her feet and peers into the house through the kitchen , pushing her face against the dusty old screen, wrapping her hands around her glasses to shield against the glare froht froonally across the kitchen

The box of hs quietly, but inside, she aches a little For a moain, and will be, for a while at least

It’s hard to get excited about that

But life goes on

Everything progresses in one direction or another Relationships, abilities, illnesses, disabilities Knowledge

School A new life where feill know her Where feill call her narc girl But where hs

One day at a time One dream at a time

Her choice is made For now For today

"This is it," she whispers to the buzzing wires "This is really it"

The chill of the evening, the preamble to autuoose buoes inside Locks the door behind her Slips off her shoes and tosses her backpack on the couch But before Janie says a last good night tonight, she has just one more task in mind

She pads on bare feet down the short hallway in the quiet night

And pauses at the portal to another world

There’s just one e