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Wake Lisa McMann 15960K 2023-09-01

Luckily, Cabel notices

He picks her up, sets her back on the chair

Rubs her fingers a bit until they -size Snickers bar from his backpack and sets it next to her hand before he leaves for government class

Distracts the teacher when she slips in late

Doesn’t look at her

Janie ss her pride along with the candy bar Writes so in her spiral notebook in a shaky hand Rips the paper off the spiral

Crumbles it into a ball

Hits him in the back of the head with it

He picks it up and opens it Reads it

Smiles, and puts it in his backpack

On Ethel’s windshield after school is a section of newspaper--the classifieds Janie looks around suspiciously, wondering if it’s so no one, she pulls it out froives it a cursory glance, first one side, and then the other And then she finds it Highlighted in yellow

Having trouble sleeping? Nightmares? Sleep disorders?

Questions answered Problems solved

It’s a volunteer sleep study Sponsored by the University of Michigan For scientific research And it’s free

When she gets ho weekend, at the North Fieldridge Sleep Clinic location near school

Nove Janie worked Thanksgiving Day and today, for double pay She has toht Wondering if this is going to be a repeat of the bus ride to Stratford Wondering if this is going to turn into another bigfrom the backseat of her car and walks into the sleep clinic She reisters under a fake nalass , she can see a row of beds with machines all around There are people already in some of the beds This is a very, very bad idea, she thinks

The door to the sleep roo at a chart Janie stumbles Puts her hands to her face Grioes numb

11:01 p She stands under an awning, not sure who she’s looking for Not yet She doesn’t feel co by Eventually, her stohs and rolls her eyes, and looks up

Here he co

It’s Mr Abernethy, the principal of her high school

11:02 pm

Her vision defrosts The lab-coated wo at her Janie stares back, just to freak her out She looks around the roo for their naaze passes fro There’s no way they want to be in that room with

Refuses toreturns to her fingers and feet, she stands up, grabs her coat and overnight bag, and stumbles to the door

Her voice is hoarse when she turns to speak to the receptionist "Sorry I’ lot The air is crisp, and she sucks it into her lungs The woman in the lab coat chases out the door after her "Miss?"