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Bishop snorted "With us on round-the-clock duty, we’re watching her enough as it is She doesn’t need anything else"
"I’ alive or the Diablos hunting her down Those cocksuckers are psychotic," I argued
Breakneck rose froed toet her back to the States"
Crossingto be riding out of here No way can we be flying Annabel doesn’t have any ID, and whatever paperwork the Raiders concoct to get her over the border, it won’t hold up with TSA Besides, we don’t need any record that ere even here"
Breakneck shook his head "With the extent of her injuries, there’s no way in hell she can ride on a motorcycle She needs four to six weeks recuperation from the hysterectomy at least"
"Okay So I’ll rent a car and drive her," I replied
"Then how does your bike get home?" Bishop questioned As I paused to consider that issue, Bishop said, "Maybe Breakneck should drive her home"
"No way," I answered adaot a better suggestion?"
"Rev’s right," Breakneck said
"He is?" The doubt was clear in Bishop’s tone
With a nod, Breakneck added, "For whatever reason, Annabel has bonded with Rev For her continueda long car ride I can ride his bike back" At Bishop’s incredulous expression, Breakneck snapped, "Wipe that fucking look off your face I can still ride a Harley"
Bishop held up his hands defensively "I never said you couldn’t"
"I’m not that old"
I chuckled "If anyone can pull off that long a haul, it’s you, man"
Breakneck finally sood to be on the open road"
"Have you talked to Betsy about funeral plans for Sarah?"
Betsy was Breakneck’s ex-wife and the o, they had soed to keep an amicable relationship He cleared his throat "Yeah I’ve spoken with her She wants to wait until I get back to plan anything" He gave me a pointed look "Whenever that is"
"Take all the time you need"