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In that moment, I enjoyed the freedom of the open road I didn’t allowwith soer or how appalled they would be by my reckless behavior Inwardly, I chuckled at what Preston’s face would look like when he realized I had ditched hihtless? I wondered if he would buy some lame excuse that I’d had a friend take me home
When the bike started to slon, I raised my head from Johnny’s back My brows furrowed in confusion as we pulled into the parking lot of a run-down iven hi in this part of town After Johnny eased up to the curb, he killed the engine and put the kickstand down
I slipped off lanced at et to know each other a little better"
Instantly, my stomach twisted into apprehensive knots The reality of the repercussions of ht have been extremely attracted to Johnny, I certainly wasn’t ready to sleep with him Deep down, I should have known he would have expectedood idea"
"Why not?" Johnny asked, his brows shooting up in surprise
"Because I barely know you"
"Then give et to know you"
I shook my head "No, you don’t understand You see, I don’t have sex with a guy I justme his e yourfear in my throat and willed myself not to panic "Look, I’m sorry if I led you on, but you were just supposed to take me for a motorcycle ride and then takelot, and , I wished that there were people around "So I would really appreciate it if you would take me home now"
Johnny’s dark eyes narrowed at me "I’m afraid I can’t do that, darlin’"
"W-Why not?" I asked as a chill ran down my spine
At thatopen Three hulking men loomed in the doorway They all wore uy aist-length dark hair called
I glanced fro on?" I questioned lamely In the back ofanswer More than anything, I knew I needed to get away froetto ht, I scra away froh I could barely run in my heels, my fear pushed me harder and harder I’d alrabbed ainst Johnny’s body, his breath burned in ain, bitch!"
I opened my mouth to scream, but the bite of a needle pierced the skin on ht I’d had within h my system As my eyelids drooped, I felt an to float
My body felt like a buoy bobbing along the ocean waves Oneup at the darkened sky and the next I was in a hotel roo hard, my eyelids fluttered, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t wake an to feel like I was in a coma--that level of consciousness where you are aware of your surroundings, but you can do nothing about it
"I did good tonight, right, boys?" Johnny asked Just the sound of his voice now caused my skin to crawl Gone was any attraction I had once felt for him Instead, I loathed hi
A hand gripped hly turned my head from side to side "She’s a little older than the usual pick," a different runted "Yeah, well, she was at Pacey’s like all the other girls I don’t take the fucking tio on looks and personality, and she’s the best looker I’ve picked in ree with you on that one Mendoza’s gonna cream his pants when he sees her Just his type Probably keep her all for hiest we take some nohile we still have the chance," I heard Johnny say
In that moment, I floated outside ofon train tracks, staring down a charging locomotive With one foot stuck in the tracks and the other scra but watch h hands were all overtears of hu pain soon replaced the humiliation as I was physically torn and battered There seee alternate universe of degradation and assault
And there, in a seedy hotel rooe htmare she never could have fathoed body was forced to go on in a horrific world, alone and hopeless