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When Deacon cursed under his breath, I knew I had finally gotten through to hiruh, I replied, "I learned from the best, brother"

Deacon snorted "Yeah, well, just be careful"

Since I knew Deacon wasn’t an overly e a little touched at his concern "I will But at the end of the day, this is soet it I don’t have to like it, but I sure as hell get it"

"We’ll be back as soon as we can"

"Callup without a good-bye, which was so his style, I went to get dressed But nofeeling of dread crisscrossing its way over h I would never have ad Sarah back was going to have blowback on the club

At the time, I had no idea how severe

Bishop returned with breakfast, and ere back on the road within half an hour After a quick stop for lunch and gas, we pulled into the outskirts of El Paso a little before seven We had been asked to entleman’s club they owned, which was located in one of the seedier areas of town

When I pushed down the kickstand and eased off ony It had been a long time since I had done such an extensive run The distance, coupled with the stress hanging overazed up at the blinking, half-naked won, I realized I would be short on the hot meal, and in its place would be a lot of hot ass

"Man, are we fucking lucky or what?" Bishop questioned as he slipped off his helmet

I chuckled "Only you, little brother, would find any luck in this situation"

"Oh, come on We’ve been on the road for three days What better way to unwind than to have a lap dance and a cold one?"

"Do I have to remind you that we’re here on serious business?"

Bishop rolled his eyes "Jesus, you’re always such a hard-ass"