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The Wild Side RK Lilley 13740K 2023-09-01


"Where do you work?"

"Here and there I orking as a cigarette girl at a casino, but it was a teot a job offer at Hooters that I’lance at her chest "They’d eat you up, wouldn’t they?"

She giggled "What about you, Dair? Would you eat ers off

I took a moment to compose myself as I shoved the kale, carrots, white tea, cucuer, and spinach intoit to the top I blended it until it was s one to her I took my own to the table in the breakfast nook

She joined ood, but it obviously works Keeps you fit enough, eh?"

I drank s

She finished hers slowly I knew she was teasing ot a kick out of driving lass between her exposed cleage, giving me very solid eye contact "What now?"

I took a few deep, steadying breaths "I can take you wherever you want Just say the word"

She bea her no, and she insisted on the theatre room, but she wanted to watch cable Bad cable

She sat on the bench seat, and I sat a safe two feet away frood-awful to watch, so in the states

It didn’t matter I couldn’t have paid attention to that screen ifcloser toon the show, then said, "Can you turn the lights up? How bright can you make it in here?"

I showed her

"Can atch this in your bedroo at ood idea"

"How about a rooht? And what do you have to snack on?"

I showed her to the living roo, and an abundance of natural light

I turned her awful show back on "What kind of snack do you want?"

"I’ll go look and see what you have Do you mind if I just make myself at home?"

I shook my head, but I did mind

I was ready to tear my hair out; I wanted so badly to touch her

She came back with a strawberry Popsicle She’d chopped it in half, so it was just one long stick that bobbed in and out of her rin on her face told rab you one? Or you want to share?"

I shookto watch it

She laughed at soe skin and black curly hair saying, "More It can’t be sparkly enough"