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Deciding she wasn’t even sure where this could go and that could very wellto worry about all that yet She’d take her weekend with him for what it orth and enjoy it At least, she didn’t have to worry about feeling dirty or used afterwards because she’d already set that boundary, and he’d assured her today he would be respecting it


"I can’t believe that’s the first tiina said, shaking her head as she clicked the reed "It just never seeet into"

Brandon slid down fro position on her bed and lay back all the way Regina did the sa her head on her fist "So what’s your take on it? Do you agree men and women can’t be friends?"

"Yep, absolutely"

This surprised her "Really? They absolutely can be friends?"

"No, I agree that they can’t, and I think Harry nailed the reason why perfectly Men and woets in the way"

"Wow, you really do have a good memory"

"Not that good," he said, s with her hand "I said I’ve never seen the movie, but I’ve seen plenty of parts, like that one and the part where she fakes the orgasm in the diner Actually, I’ve seen h the whole thing froet ree too" This seemed to surprise him "But not exactly for the reason you or Harry think I think it cos, not just sex I think, even if you don’t have sex, the relationship can be ruined because one side starts developing feelings and the other side ht not"

He shook his head "Maybe for you that’s the case because you’ve probably never met a man who hasn’t fallen in love with you immediately So you’ve never been able to keep friendships with men But most of the time it’s about the sex, especially if, say, the woman you had sex with--and didn’t fall in love with, so you reets an actual boyfriend or even husband There’s no way that friend is gonna stay a friend without herissues with it, unless, of course, she lies about never having slept with her friend" He frowned, glancing at her, his expression going gri off with lies or cover ups, the relationship with her new in with"

With her heart beating a little faster, Regina tried not to put toomet a man who didn’t fall in love with her i sweet She’d already established that he could be sweet--very