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Devlen entered, leading a dozen guards
"Show Opal what you caught on your fishing trip," Galen said
The guards parted, revealing two figures wrapped in null shield jackets
MY LEGS REFUSED TO SUPPORT MY WEIGHT ANY longer I dropped into a chair This nightht a friend," Galen said "Is he your Storaze "Yes"
"He came to rescue you Hoeet" Galen rubbed his chin as if considering "And despite Devlen’s assurances that the Bloodroses haveup an undercurrent of unrest fro to me?"
"Yes" The word burned my throat
"Is he planning on helping you?"
"Yes" I tried to catch Devlen’s eye, but he kept his attention fixed on Galen
Galen said to hier her own rescue so you kept her out of the loop But all this time, you’ve been a wonderful source of inforh to block uards "You believe they are loyal to you, when in fact they are stillHow many people have you sneaked into the compound?" He didn’t wait for Devlen to reply "I counted six--the Minister and his wife, two disguised as guards and the Storoodbye Listening to Galen gloat was like watching so able to throater on the poor soul
Drawing power, Galen concentrated on Kade and Heli "The jackets aren’t tied They’re supposed to rip thenal," Galen explained to me "Go ahead, Stored free of the jackets They exchanged a look
"I’ a null shield Everyone was so worried about Opal’s power, you disregarded mine" He tsked "And is she really worth six lives? If she’s so devoted to her Stormdancer, then why did she sleep with Devlen?"
Dead silence No one said a word Beyond horrified, I stared at the floor
Finally, Galen ordered his guards to wrap up Kade and Heli in the jackets and to secure Devlen