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Spy Glass Maria V Snyder 13330K 2023-09-01

"La tone

Magic brushed us Janco flinched, but held steady

"Even now I can’t sense your deception No matter We’ve already proven you’re no rinned "It’s never wise to beat your boss Good thing you’re not h Not only had he used the ise, but Janco’s current position in Ixia had been gained by beating a succession of his superior officers

"Give Opal her bottle," Janco said

"No Soold for this"

"Who?" I asked

"Solanced at me "That narrows it down to half of Sitia"

"Not funny" Because if I considered the people ere upset and inconvenienced due to the loss of ht "Hand it over, Finn"

"Seeht, or if you use one of your darts or that nifty gas ball, Iyour blood You’ll have to decide if you want to risk it or not"

"All right How much?" I asked

Finn jerked with surprise, but recovered "You can’t afford it"

"Trymy net worth "Did the Council let you keep the diamonds from here?" He pointed down

"Yep I’m richer than Vasko Cloud Mist"

Finn flinched at the naain Would I be willing to give him all my money for that bottle? Yes

He hesitated