Page 42 (1/2)

Spy Glass Maria V Snyder 14260K 2023-09-01

I tasted a spoonful The fishy flavor doreen stuff?"

Mister Paul wheezed with humor "Seaweed But don’t tell anyone"

"You’re far from the sea This must be expensive soup"

"Not too bad There’s an outfit down along the Bloodgood coast that found an abundance of oysters and they hooked up with so bad"

When I had traveled along the coastline, there had been a nu into ruins I hoped one of them had hit the oyster jackpot

"How do they ship it?" I asked between slurps of lass"

I almost dropped the spoon "Really?" My voice squeaked

"Yeah It’s strange stuff The food is packed into these glass jars They’re cold to the touch, but as soon as you open the jar, the cold disappears" He shrugged "Took et used to it, but it works"

"Can I see one?"

"Sure" He sent another server to the kitchen

The soup felt as though it turned to stone in my stomach as I waited The woic clung to it, but I couldn’t figure out what it was doing to keep the contents frozen A rose design had been sta these?" I asked

"The ood Said his name was Fallon Why?"

"Just curious" The name sounded familiar, but I couldn’t place it I examined the jar The cold nu unusual The server returned it to the kitchen I would have to investigate afterare you staying?" Mister Paul asked

"One night"

His ears seemed to droop in disappoint to-do after I left What happened?" I asked

"Nothing bad Just lots of visitors and officials and questions Lots of customers!" He beaician and the Soulfinder stayed in my inn" Pride puffed his chest