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Spy Glass Maria V Snyder 14200K 2023-09-01

"I don’t know Whatever they need, I guess" Wrong answer

"Then I should bill the Council for your training Because they will not hesitate to take advantage of your in you to jobs that require you to sneak around"

I opened aze fixed onto do Indecisive probablys usually lead to trouble" He returned to studying the blueprints, ignoringin a chair opposite hih, I would find the nugget of hope that I would reclailass ician to avoid flahts shied from that scenario

Valek and I spent another seven days training, watching Wirral and poring over the blueprints We donned disguises and followed the correctional officers home from the prison The effort netted us naoons--Erik, Carrl and Lamar No surprise that all were hotshots

As the days passed, Valek tested uise It was one skill that caround, I held the advantage Even though confidence in rew, I still worried about the aht days away and I needed at least eight to travel hoh

My fears turned into reality when Valek threw his quill across the table I looked at hiht I would say this, but it’s i into Wirral There isn’t a way in without being caught We’re done"


"WHAT ABOUT THE PLAN TO DISGUISE OURSELVES AS correctional officers?" I asked Valek, hoping the last seventy plus days of training hadn’t been for nothing

"Think about the information we’ve collected these past couple weeks," Valek said

I huffed in annoyance He had all the answers, but he wanted , I recalled a conversation Valek had overheard at the Spotted Dog "We can’t go in as COs because there are too e the password daily," I said "Someone before usa hotshot to ask Ulrick?" Valek asked

"Won’t work They’re an elite unit It’s doubtful they’ll take a bribe, and they’re all terrified of Finn" I tried to see past Valek’s blank y I had learned

"Bribe one of the other COs to get in?"