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I let the guards explain "This is exactly why I need to be near the Councilor at all tier her"
He continued to rant about her safety, but I tuned hiician had been after her or er, I cli when he listened to ician nearby?"
"No, but I was on the first floor"
"How about when you entered the roohed "Help ician need to be to reach her?"
"It depends on how strong he is"
I noted his pronoun choice Habit or did he know?" I asked in exasperation
"Outside No one with powers can get by uards out to search?"
He sneered "I know you’re used to hanging out with the Master Magicians and the Soulfinder They can walk the streets and sniff out any icians The rest of us can’t"
"But you just said--"
"Line of sight Everyone co into the Council Hall has to pass by hts, they don’t have any power"
I thought it through "Then the e He didn’t need line of sight"
His lips parted in surprise "But he would have to know she was in her office"
We both turned to the pictureat the end of her office Sunlight strealass Tah to it so she could enjoy the viehile she worked
Ioutside Her first-floor office was a mere twelve feet above the street Belonspeople strolled or hustled by either on horseback or on foot Wagons bounced along the cobblestones From this distance, I could see clearly No one seemed interested in theNo one lurked in the shadows At least not now