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Spy Glass Maria V Snyder 16640K 2023-09-01

Braids, sensing he had a larger audience, raised his voice and addressed the room "She put my cousin and at least a dozen others out of work"

Lank said, "And why ’ja think she was sniffing around the prison? How lanced around Others nodded in agree it now This was probably going to turn ugly


MY RECENT STREAK OF BAD DECISIONS CONTINUED What had I been thinking when I agreed to a drink with one of the prison officers? The ru tavern increased A couple men moved closer to the two drunks who had started this confrontation, and one of the elite officers joined the growing mob

Tossed out would be the best scenario for me Beaten to a pulp the worst

"She cleaned out the riffraff," Finn said to the two in my defense "Did us a favor, and you know it Besides, you hate your cousin, Cole Said he couldn’t guard a baby"

Not the right thing to say Braids…Cole drew his sword "You takin’ her side, LT?"

Finn stood in one fluidit hard to draw a breath

I rose tocareful not to make any suddenanything at the prison I was e for her I’m sorry about your cousin, Cole If you tell me his name, I can try to find hi to make sense of overn construction workers to build an addition to HQ when the weather’s warmer Lots of jobs then"

The friction eased A voice announced that a barrel of special ale was open and most of the crowd disbursed When a few more COs entered the tavern, cheerful calls to a rookie hotshot erupted Knowing a good distraction when I saw one, I grabbed Finn’s hand and headed toward the door

I didn’t releasesun cast long shadows along the street

"Sorry, I didn’t think anyone would recognize you," Finn said

Confused, I asked, "Why not? You did"

"I’ who is who in town is part ofto aid a prisoner"

"To escape?"

"Escape, or just to soods inside is very lucrative and every single item in there has two different uses at least I keep track of all the merchants and delivery people If I see a new face, I’m automatically suspicious When I heard the Councilor hired a new assistant, I ood look at you"