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Spy Glass Maria V Snyder 16090K 2023-09-01

We had traveled far enough into the plains to trigger the Sandseeds’ ical protection

Valek studied me as the poelled then died I hadn’t decided what I should tell him, but it seemed ic didn’t cause me to panic and insist ere lost, he asked, "Are you related to the Sandseed Clan?"

"Not yet" Once Mara married Leif, a distant cousin to the Sandseeds, I would be connected to theitih time, everyone in Sitia would be allowed to roaic "Do you have special permission to travel the plains?"

"Without Quartz, no"

"I see" His gaze turned inward "Does the Sitian Council know?"


Understanding flashed on his face "Ah…the reason for Yelena’s request Who else knows?"

"Zitora, Leif and Kade"

"My advice, don’t tell the Council about your immunity Instead, come work for me"


WORK FOR VALEK? A COMPLETE SHOCK AND NOT A course of action I had ever considered Stunned silence built, but I couldn’t form a coherent response He remained serious and he seemed in no hurry for a reply

My emotions thawed from surprised to flattered that he had asked me to be a part of his corp Curious, I asked, "What would I do for you? Spy on Sitia?"

"No That’s rinned "I would like you to protect the Coical attacks when I’m away And to help with any incidents that are tainted withwith ic is unpredictable, and each time it’s been an…education It also doesn’t ical proble Ari and Janco to handle theriical I becaer access the blanket of power that surrounded our world and gave icians their abilities

"Is the Commander attacked often?" I asked

"No He hasn’t been in years, but I still worry And you know the old cliché Better safe…"

Than sorry A good motto One I should heed more often While Valek’s offer tempted me, I knew deep down in my heart my new immunity should benefit Sitia My hooals to keep Sitia safe matched mine

Valek watched me "You’ve made a decision"