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I rather adore that about you
Her heart gave a bittersweet twinge
Don’t be greedy, she told herself With a bit of strategic memory, the redaction of a word or two, she could reh to it
He took her in slow, gentle strokes at first Then his thrusts becaent It hurt, but this hat she’d been waiting for She wanted to watch him, see his face contorted with raw pleasure and unfettered need But at the lasthi conception was a considerate gesture, she told herself--even if she was left feeling hollow and a bit disappointed Even in that last ed to keep his restraint
Afterward, he stroked her naked body in the sunlight, touching and exploring and looking where he pleased
"You are like a boy with a new plaything," she said
"I’m not a boy, Charlotte I’m a man A man who’s been trusted with royal secrets, battle plans, and international treaties And nowI’ I’ve ever held" His eyes burned into hers "You’re mine now"
Part of her wanted to rebel at his possessive tone, but part of her found it thrilling, too There see it, anyhow He had her heart He had her body
She was his
The sooner she accepted that, the sooner the true challenge would begin
Making hi on a boat, rocking to and fro Then the sea grew violent, tossing her this way and that Where was Piers? He would make this stop The waves themselves would not dare disobey him
"Charlotte Charlotte"
Her eyes fluttered open "Piers?"
She looked at his hand curled tight on her arm He wasn’t her safe port in the stor her
"What is it?" she asked The words caled with her toes The hunt The strealed up on her elbow, pushing away a lock of hair crusted to her cheek
Oh, Lord--had she been drooling? Had he seen?
As her vision carave
Now she snapped awake
She clutched his shoulder "Is so?"
He shook his head "No"
"Then what’s the " He turned to pull on his breeches
"Are you certain?" She hugged his waist and propped her chin on his shoulder Beads of cold sweat had risen on his hairline, and his heart was pounding in his chest She could feel it through his ribs and hers "Piers What is it?"