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Drawing a deep breath, Adrienne told her of Dalkeith-Upon-the-Sea Of Lydia And of Sidheach Marie’s brown eyes lit with a sparkle, and Adrienne was treated to a rare sight she’d bet few people had ever seen The tiny olive-skinned wohed and clapped her small hands to hear of her love and of her ti over the nursery, glaring at her for saying Adaether in Uster, sighing over the wedding that should have been
"Ah … finally … this ees real story" Marie nodded
In 1514, the Haas trying desperately to sleep He’d heard a man could freeze to death if he fell asleep in the snow But either it was too dah He could reainst the bitter, howling wind Stu to his feet, he teetered unevenly up the exterior stairs to the rooftop, knowing the guards often kept a few bottles up there to keep them hile they stood watch
No such luck No bottles and no guards How could he have forgotten? The guards were all inside, where it arm He was the only one outside He kicked aimlessly at the snow on the roof, then stiffened when a shadow shifted, black against the glea flakes "What the hell are you doing up here, Grimm?"
Gri dusk He was about to explain when he saw the Hawk’s face and kept his silence instead
"I said, what are you doing up here, Grimm? They tell me you practically live on my roof now"
Suddenly furious, Grimm retorted, "Well, they tell me you practically live in a bottle of whisky now!"
Hawk stiffened and rubbed his unshaven jaw "Don’t yell at me, you son of a bitch! You’re the one who lied to me about my--" He couldn’t say the word Couldn’t even think it His wife, about whoht His wife, who had left him for Adam
"You are so unbelievably dense you can’t even see the truth when it’s right in front of you, can you?" Grimm snapped
The Haayed drunkenly, God, where had he heard those words before? Why did theyup here, Gri at the parapet to steady hi star so I can wish her back, you drunken fool"
"I don’t want her back," Hawk snarled