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"Enough, Beauty" Adam captured her hand in his "The universe awaits us and your pleasure is my command"

Hawk’s heart wrenched and twisted The damned Ever-hard Her first love, whether he’d ever made love to her or not He turned away before he could lehandedly

When he finally returned his gaze to her, it was too late--she was gone

The e at Dalkeith-Upon-the-Sea stood nuht air One

But a soft voice floated on the breeze You were right about your falcons, Sidheach, cae last words of the woman he’d loved and who had effectively destroyed the once proud laird of Dalkeith-Upon-the-Sea

Lydia clutched at his sleeve lie no one had ever heard before

Hawk only stared blindly into the night



He was leading her e forest Twisted branches wove a gnarled canopy above her head Occasionally a ray of faint light would pierce the dense gloolimmer like bleached bones

No crickets No nor creatures The bracken rustled, revealing brief glinoed her arms around herself

"You are in my realm"