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She wanted hi him He could tell, this tied phallus, a groan ripped from his throat

"I saw you, you know," she whispered, her eyes dilated and dark with passion "In the Green Lady’s roo flat on your back"

He stared at her infuriously as he struggled to say so, but only a husky purr cahtened on him So, she had watched hiot?

"You were lying there in your sleep like sood, and that’s the first tiently for erowled Emboldened by his response, Adrienne pushed him back and scattered kisses across his sculpted chest She ran her hungry tongue down over his abdo each defined ripple in turn She explored his powerful thighs and throbbingkiss on the velvety pink tip of the shaft a stallion would have envied

"Did you find it passing … fair?" he croaked, "what you saw then, and see now?"

"Um, velvety stroke up his shaft from base to tip "It’ll do in a pinch"

He tossed his dark head back with a smile and roared "A pinch … a pinch? I’ll show you …" His words trailed off as he pulled her roughly into his embrace His mouth claimed hers and he rolled her onto her back

Too late to pull back or worry about seed or children, far beyond rational thought of any kind, and adrift in a musky madness named Adrienne, the siren witch ned his and positioned himself above her

Just before he ceded to her beckoning heat, he said, "I have always loved you, lass" Quietly and regally

Tears shilistening drop with his finger and ood it felt to have her accept hied into her More tears misted her eyes at the sudden pain Above her, barely in her, the Hawk clenched his jaw and froze He stared down at her a speechless ed "Don’t stop now Please, I want this"

"Adrienne," he breathed, his face dark "Virgin," he aze a breathless id atop hers

Then she felt an involuntary jerk rage through hi into her with barbaric intensity "Mine," he swore roughly, his black eyes flashing "Only mine First… best… and last" His beautiful head arched back, and she buried her hands deep in his hair Again she felt that involuntary shudder that rocked him from head to toe

There was momentary pain, but waves of heat quickly replaced it and the stars called her na her to co from deep inside her where his hot shaft filled her all the way An instinctive voice told her how to ain her pleasure and assure his in the saling to not spill the htness encased him He was beyond aroused, driven nearly insane by passion coupled with the knowledge that the sendary Ever-hard, whoever he was He was her first man, her first and only lover

"I can’t help it… feels too … oh! … Delicious!" Her hands caressed his back, then her nails lightly scored the bronzed skin of his shoulders as he rocked her slowly beneath hiht I was supposed to move … too," she mumbled, very nearly incoherently "Please …"

"Be still I would teach you slow first Then the next tih love now," she demanded quite clearly, and it broke the tether that had been holding his and drove into her, pushing the worry of her virgin sensitivity from what little of his mind remained He came into her the way he’d wanted to fro Hard and de her his

Adrienne spiraled beneath hiainst the stars as she frag pinpoints She felt hiether in perfect rhythm, perfect harmony