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His soing to face the facts? You et used to it In tiestured at the dozen brawnyoutside the Green Lady’s roouard" as he called thes wide, arms folded across thin broad chests Implacable, stony faces, and all of the half his weight over Where do they breed these kind of ust "What you don’t understand is that if you’re so busy protecting et whoever they’re really after Because it’s not me!"
"Do they call you ‘Mad Janet’ because you refuse to accept reality?" he wondered "Reality is that so to protect you Reality is that you are my wife and I will always keep you safe fro the phrase reality is with a sharp stab at the air directly in front of her Adrienne co deeper into her haven of feathers each time he stabbed
"It is my duty, my honor, and my pleasure," he continued His eyes swept her upturned face and darkened with desire "Reality … ah … reality is that you are exquisitely beautiful, hened
His voice conjured ies of sweet crea ice cubes Sh at the sa what little cohtly around her When he wet his full lower lip with his tongue her old were a s promise of endless passion His eyes that were locked on her lips and oh, but he was going to kiss her and she would do anything to prevent that!
"It’s time you know the truth I a, whatever ca hers in that intoxicating pleasure "And for the ureed instantly "I didn’t think you were Mad, I mean But you are my heart, whether you like it or not By the bye, neither does Lydia Think you’re ent and capable Except when it cos: your safety and me You’re coed one of histhis wee talk with you To help you see thingsso pigheaded about I’hed Daer, and as to wantingon the down ticks beside her caused her to shift and roll alarht sardonically Now she understood why they’d used all those down ticks in the olden days And why they’d had so ht, I do want you--"
He froze "You do?"
"--out of my rooet in my space, don’t even breathe my air, okay?"
"It’s my air, by the bye, as laird, and all that But I could be persuaded to share it with you, sife"
He was s!
"And I am not your wife! Or at least, not the one you were supposed to get! I’m from the nineteen nineties--that’s almost five hundred years in the future in case you can’t add--and the Cohter How? I don’t know, but I have ot the faintest idea how I ended up in his lap But he had to odsend--so he usedand the short of how I ended up getting stuck with you"
There It was out The truth That should stop him from any further plans of seduction NoJalas clan Her words prevented his lips froer she could see Not even the wrath of vengeful kings see One more beautiful man, one more broken heart
The Hawk sat esting what she’d just said Then a gentle smile chased the clouds from his eyes "Grimm told ination Your father told Gried to be allowed to be his bard, rather than his daughter Lass, I have nothing against a good tale and illingly listen, if you but take my counsel about your safety"