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A slow smile slid over Grimm’s face "A lass who doesn’t want you A lovely, nay, an earth-shatteringly beautiful one, it and wisdom to boot One with a perfect face and a perfect body, and a perfect ‘no’ on her perfect lips for you, my oh-so-perfect friend And I also wished to be allowed to watch the battle"

Hawk s sweetly through the pines carried a disembodied voice that drifted on a breeze of jas words neither ed"


THE MYSTICAL ISLE OF MORAR WAS CLOAKED IN EVENTIDE, the silica sands glistening silver beneath King Finnbheara’s boots as he paced, i the court fool’s return

The Queen and her favorite courtiers were e Watching his elfin Aoibheal dance and flirt with thejealousy into wakeful wrath He’d fled the Beltane fires before he could succue He was too angry with mortals to trust hiht of his Queen with a mortal man filled hi their courtiers, so did the fairy King; the wily court fool was his longtime companion in cups and spades He’d dispatched the fool to study the ht concoct a fitting revenge for the man who’d dared trespass on fairy territory

"His manhood at half-mast wouldFinnbhearafalsetto, then spit irritably

"I’m afraid it’s true," the fool said flatly as he appeared in the shade of a rowan tree

"Really?" King Finnbheara grimaced He’d convinced himself Aoibheal had embellished a bit--after all, the man was h The end The women clamor over hiuaranteed to bestow eternal ecstasy"

"Did you see hi asked quickly

The fool nodded and his mouth twisted bitterly "He’s flawless He’s taller thanobjected

"He stands almost a hand taller He has raven hair worn in a sleek tail; sod and the body of Viking warrior It’s revolting May IFinnbheara pondered this inforht of this darkher inco her soul