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Hemy Victoria Ashley 13290K 2023-09-01

I look up into his eyes and cup his face inat hih kills me "How could you even say that, He here in his embrace makes me lose all composure The tears rush out as I wrap one arm around his neck and hold on for dear life "I hurt you I walked out on you when you needed ht about you every day and not one day went by that I didn’t fear for your life I was so damn scared"

"I know," he breathes He rubs both his thuhis lips above mine "I was a fool for the way I acted and I should have done the right thing by you I should have been the one to let you go I hurt you so dah You did the right thing You had to for the both of us, because I was too weak Watching you walk out ofup alone is oke s No high is better than the high I experience when I’m with you I’m a different person and I have you to thank for it Don’t ever question what you had to do Do you hear me?"

His warm breath kisses my lips as he presses his body closer to et out "I love you so daainstme off My body feels weak in his arfor a whole different reason I love this h, I know he feels the sa away fro my tears "I love you ain All I want is to be with you I’ve never wanted anything else besides having Sage back in iveover, "Let irls"

Looking into his eyes makes me weak in the knees There is sowith hiet over ry with now, not hi

"Are you sure you want

He kisses"More than life itself"

We both stand here in the rain just looking each other in the eyes before Heht Do you rehts?"

I let out a little laugh and nod et, Hemy? I can’t even count how many people’s trucks we had sex in the back of"

"Twenty three," Herin

I slap his ar me over his shoulder "Fuck yeah Those were twenty-three of the best nights ofme squirm as he pulls out a key and unlocks the door "I counted a lot of our good ht will be number one that I undress you out of those wet clothes, put you in my shirt and take care of my future wife Promise me you’ll be mine, forever Say it Letthose words leave his lips I want to cry, but I don’t All I want to do is be close to He back this ti four years to hear those words," he breathes as he walks us through the dark garage, pulls down the back of a truck bed and carefully setshi offthe in ht now I feel safe I feel loved This is the feeling I want for the rest of my life and can’t live without

It’s hi a proain

The rest of ht

Chapter Seventeen

He around in Fortune – a nor a few drinks The whole crew is here: Slade, Aspen, Cale, Stone, Sage, Onyx and ether since ood

It took a bit of convincing, but I finally got Onyx to move in with me I knew she would eventually cave in The only downfall to that is that it left Sage needing a new roouess, Stone was quick to ju rown on me Plus, he seems to be crazy about her and she deserves so

"Dude!" I feel so hitOnyx to look overatme want to take Aspen hoht now" Aspen elbows hih

"You and your dirty rins

Slade throws his hands up "My bad" He bends down and kisses her neck before biting it "You can just punish ht, dicks," Cale says annoyed "You all can stop your shit now You’re et your dick sucked, pussy," I say teasingly, causing Cale to toss a fry at rips o hard She always does it, lettingtofucked, and hard

Aspen s a sip of her beer "SoRiley gets home next week"

Cale turns white in the face, but quickly tries to shake it off "Yeah? That’s nice," he says, nonchalantly "Next week, already?"