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"College I was a reporter for the school paper and I went to interview this h and thought I was a narc" She offered a sie
Despite hirinned "Remember earlier how I said you were persistent? Well, correction--you’re nuts"
"It was an i knifed added some color to the piece" Her blue eyes twinkled "So, the bullet…?"
"Right Well, to be honest, I didn’t even feel it at first Adrenaline running too high, you knoas too focused on getting your sister into the chop--" He narrowed his eyes "All this is off the record, right?"
Jane made a face "Unfortunately But I still think you should let ave a little pout, which brought another smile to his lips "At least finish the story"
"Yes,at first, not until I climbed into the chopper Then the pain hit , head spinning from the loss of blood Felt like soht into my bone"
"Is that the first time you’ve been shot?"
"First tirazed a few times, knifed, slashed by a machete once…" His voice drifted, and he smiled at the horror in her eyes "Part of the job"
"I could never do it," Jane said frankly "A job where I’ injured? No thank you I’d way rather interview people in the colance "What kind of stories do you write?"
"Whatever I get assigned Last issue I had a piece about insider trading, the one before that was a story about hu on a story about your sister?"
She nodded then released a long breath To his relief, this one didn’t sound shaky She was evidently cal down "I was so worried about her, Becker When her office called and told us she’d gone off the radar, I thought she was dead" Jane sed "I always tell her not to take such risky assignments, but she never listens"