Page 26 (1/2)

Schooled Lorelei James 14760K 2023-09-01

"Met a chance to talk about this today, but I’ve decided where we’re going for the ‘anything I want’ night out you promised me"

Ronin didn’t respond

She poked hi to me?"


Wait a second Did he just snore? "Ronin?"

"Ms," she cooed "I want your cock in my mouth Or are you too tired?"


She withheld a snort TheHe never turned down a blow job

Feeling ornery, she propped her head on his chest "For starters toe club"


"And I may have a teensy surprise for you when I’ht

"When exactly did I agree to go to a bondage club?" Ronin deht"

He narrowed his eyes at her "Did you ask ?"

Amery looked up from her laptop "First of all, I didn’t need to ask, since you proht in Tokyo So I chose I wasyou of my choice"

"How did I respond?"

"Why does it uely recalled her saying so abouthis cock and herto the club tonight End of discussion"

Ronin leaned forward, resting his forear"

"No, I’ve got work to do thiselse to do"

He studied his wife, looking so damn cute with her hair piled up in a aze dipped to her breasts spilling out of the tiny caa pants that made her ass look fantastic The little wrinkle of annoyance between her eyes, the pursed set of her lips, and the pointed way she ignored himit all provoked him

Her laptop screen reflected in thebehind her, and Ronin could see she wasn’t working--she was on Facebook

She’d rather screw around on Facebook than screw around with him?

Fuck That

Ronin pushed to his feet and loo his hands on the back of the couch "Turn off your computer, Amery"

"I’m busy--"