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Schooled Lorelei James 15180K 2023-09-01

Ronin caotten into a routine First, he kissed her hello and headed to their bedroom to shower Then they sat down to dinner After dinner, while she washed the dishes, he tossed his sweat-soaked gi in the washer Then he adjourned to the onsen--the natural hot spring down by the creek The water was al in themuscles

He kissed her as he passed her in the kitchen on his way outside

Annoyed by Ronin’s distraction--the h the door--Arown to like it, but only the high-end stuff Ronin bought No sake equivalent of box wine for him

He’d left the door open to the deck, whichcontrary, she wandered over and closed the door before she stretched out on the couch to watch TV Not that she could follow any of the shows since all two hundred channels were in Japanese

Maybe five minutes passed before Ronin opened the door and stepped inside "Alued to the TV--hard as it hen her husband was freakin’ naked "Nope"

"Why not?"

She shrugged

"Baby, can you look at lanced over her shoulder, then craned her neck to peer around the roo toto?"

"Gosh, I don’t know because those are about the first words you’ve spoken to o So I’ll pass on joining you and let you do your little soaking thingy alone I knowdisturbs your reflective time" Amery flicked her focus back to the screen and drained her sake

The next thing she knew Ronin was in her face, his hands braced on the back of the couch "Get in the onsen or I’ll toss you in Your choice"

"At least if you tossed ruh, since I’ll be having another glass while I’m out there" She ducked under his arm "Yeah, yeah, I know, put it in a plastic cup"

Ronin spun her around and kissed her with enough patience and passion to cool her temper down and heat her body up

Damn him

When he finally released her mouth, his erection poked into her belly He ," and nuzzled her cheek before walking away

A ass of his as he meandered out the door Then she ditched her clothes where she stood She dumped more sake into a plastic tumbler and headed outside