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But Grant hadn’t believed he had acted alone Who else then? "You said Archibald was like his father and grandfather Uilleaement of the castle Hoas Archibald’s father like that?"

"Haldane Borthwick had been visiting Theodore both when my mother died and then years later when my father drowned Purely by chance? I think not"

She considered the ramifications, surprised Archibald had been associated with her father for so long She had thought it was onlythe castle A ht exist

"I’randmother would have allowed Haldane Borthwick to visit if she had any notion he erous as Uillea of tea and set it down on the tray "Neda ay both times I’m sure they planned it that way The first tirief-stricken to learn ourMy father was heartbroken Froht he’d forsake all food and join his uish was the daily reuidance and love, and our packto ensure he rerief"

"I’m so sorry about your parents, Grant"

"I thank you, lass Your grandmother was like a mother to us My father never took another mate We dearly loved Neda"

Colleen was certain that had she ever randmother, she would have, too "My father wasn’t here when Neda died, was he?" Colleen asked, fearing the worst

"Nay Once I took over and worried that Theodore and Haldane had caused my father’s death, whenever your father returned for a visit, I had guards posted to watch hiht Not that he ever knew it But ere concerned for Neda’s safety"

To her way of thinking, Grant and his brothers would have been as much at risk "What about you and your brothers’ welfare?"

"We really weren’t concerned about our own safety, but later we learned our packbeen so sneaky that we didn’t even know it" He sht hoonderful it was to have an extended faine it wasn’t easy trying to keep track of all three of you without one of you having a clue So what of Haldane? Is he still alive?"

"Another wolf killed him years later No one kneho killed him for certain, but we suspected one ofhe had e"

She pondered that, wondering if that man was still in the pack "Is the ho you suspected of killing him still alive?"