Page 29 (1/2)

"You didn’t have to," she said, "but thanks so much"

"I was more than happy to treat you to a meal Now about your accommodations…" he said

"I’ll be more comfortable at a place of my own"

"Which is why you are here and not at your own castle," Archibald said, his tone challenging, irritated, perhaps a hint of his true nature coh? She must have looked a little wary as he quickly added, "But all much appreciated as I had your lovely company"

"Thanks" She so to ensure I can find a place that has a roos looked slie, one small inn, and just a couple of B and Bs She hoped that someplace was available, or she wouldn’t have any choice but to return to the castle

She rose froain for dinner It was nice seeing you"

"Do you want me to come with you? In case you don’t find an available roo to rise from his chair

"No, it’s okay I’ll be fine" She left hiht because he had bought her a meal

"Call me," he called after her, "if you have any trouble"

"Okay," she said, not intending to, and she got out the door and away from him as quickly as she could She’d assumed since she’d driven for a couple of hours before she stopped, that Grant would take just as long

Or maybe not, because she had driven slower, unsure about the roads or where she was going She glanced at a clock tower And couldn’t believe it She’d spent a whole hour and half at the pub? Grant could be here in half an hour or sooner!

She had to hurry

When she reached the first home turned into a B and B, she found it had no vacancy and had been booked through the end of the month Disheartened, she feared she’d find the same at the other B and B Maybe she’d have better luck at the inn

The next place was another two-story gray stone home converted into a B and B with a pretty yard surrounded by a low, gray stone wall When she walked inside, a dark-haired lady smiled "Are you Mrs Jones?"

"Uet a rooht"

"She has a whole castle to sleep in," Grant said, stalking into the lobby, his voice dark and threatening

Colleen whipped around and gaped at hie I saw your car parked out front" He towered over her, scowling, and then turned his attention to the owner of the B and B "You didn’t have a rooh How could he make a question sound so much like an order that the B and B owner had better not have a roo