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He ht see her as his enemy, despite the fact that she paid for his services and he had free rooe in coe noises She wasn’t sure what to do Make hih it? Maybe he had only co out of the bathroo Another odd sound A creaking noise She listened for a long ti to hear Grant cli

She barely breathed as her ears tuned in to sounds only her wolf half could hear A strange ruround her teeth

She had to knohat he was doing If he thought toto disturb her sleep just because she et aith it

Dressed in a long T-shirt, she left the bed and crossed her room barefoot She opened the door to his chamber, didn’t see any movement, and walked across the floor until she reached the bed, then listened

No sound No breathing No heart beating Another rumble It caht-blue curtains and found the bed eain Well, not that she didn’t adain, but that wasn’t conducive to conducting her mission here

She stalked across the tapestry rug to the bathroom where the solid oak door stood ajar

"Grant?" she called out

No response

Goose buht, or atte to pretend he wasn’t there… No, he would be too alpha for that

She pushed the door open and peered in No one The bathroom was empty No noises

Maybe by the tih his cha her to catch hi his door into the hallway

She sat on a bench by the bed and waited, thinking if Grant or anyone else was pulling shenanigans, maybe even unbeknownst to Grant, the perpetrator would return, and she’d catch him at it As she suspected, no other noises occurred She continued to sit there, so sleepy she was barely able to keep her eyes open

She closed the rattled, waking her, and she discovered she’d fallen asleep, her head resting against the foot of Grant’s bed The sound had coain from the bathroom

She jumped to her feet and strode into the bathroooose bu breath The chamber next door probably shared the pipes with this bathrooe racket

She left Grant’s roolanced at her attire and realized she earing only an oversized T-shirt, and she shivered in the chilly hall No one answered