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He had worried she ret what had passed between them What had passed between them? He felt unbalanced But she only sh he swore she was just a little breathless
"I’ him for a loop "It et hisabout lunch?
But she was right He hadn’t realized how long he’d taken to show her around He wanted to say so about the kiss they’d shared, but she had already pulled away fro her way down the hill
When he reached her on the bridge, he again wanted to explain hi had happened between them And that bothered him more than he wanted to concede
Hell, he’d been a fool to leave his bed thisHe should have stayed in it--with her
He opened her car door for her, and then they were off
"Thanks for showing me the properties," she said, her cheeks a little flushed "You’ve done a lovely jobhow he had , he wanted to speak about what had just happened between the more into it than what it was--just a spur-of-the- close to a bonny lass in a beautiful glen…
So then why couldn’t he quit thinking about it?
"We’ve always taken pride into focus on the real world and not his passion for the lass Despite the fact that his body still craved her touch and he’d had a devil of a ti trousers when he was fully aroused A kilt would have ly and hot and deliciously sexy after the kiss she and Grant had shared He’d obviously been just as affected as she had, only she’d ed--somehow--to control her evident reaction better than he had Which she was glad for She didn’t want hihlander’s kisses
She’d loved seeing the sea and the castle grounds, but the glen where they’d shared that ical kiss…she would remember that forever
He was quieter now than when they started the tour,more to say about the properties She didn’t believe he could still be thinking about the kiss--like she was
After praising hi to say She should tell hiht be better if they didn’t discuss it He probably kissed all the lasses like that and didn’t give it another thought
She shook her head at herself and watched out for the castle, but she couldn’t see it for the trees and the long winding road that led up to the castle walls
When it caray stone towers stretched to the blue sky, and she saw threetheir approach She couldn’t iuards posted all the time like in ye old days
Grant parked the car in the inner bailey and she said, "Well, that was a lovely tour Thanks sotime out of your busy schedule to show me around" And then she fled into the keep
"How did the tour go?" Enrick asked Grant, atched Colleen hurry off