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Oh, sweet Jesus She was named after an author and nicknamed after a literary character Could she be anyit would annoy her For so Scout Maybe it was because she always blushed when I did
I aiting for her undoubtedly snarky reply when I was distracted by the over-powering sirl folded herself into the seat next to me, her smile a million miles wide "Hi, you must be new here," she said "I’h school girl way Her eyes were big and surrounded by long, make-up encased lashes; her flawless skin had a healthy end-of-sulow; her hair was perfectly dyed and styled to look like soazine or country music video; and her boobs were well, noticeable Very noticeable Like I could almost see nipple noticeable
"Well, Ashley, it’s nice todesperately hard to not stare at the boobs that see closer and closer to lanced up to share a knowing look with Scout - because despite her not knowing h to know she would find Ashley’s growing breasts as disturbing as I did - but she had already turned back around I was disappointed, and a little annoyed with Ashley for letting Scout get away from me, but I tried to be polite as Ashley quizzed o If you’re sullen and don’t give out many details about your parents or where you went to school last, people becoet nosey I couldn’t let people get nosey, so I uy ould tell you anything When you’re that guy, people take whatever you say as fact and leave the rest alone I’ve tried to explain this concept to Lia to thely well for hiuy obsessed with poetry, the next hour flew by The teacher was one of those energetic artsy types who spoke in exclaestures Her outfit was so ridiculous it was cool, and she was young and pretty enough to et she was a teacher If I could have concentrated on her for more than thirty seconds at a time, I probably would’ve found more virtues to na Scout sitting in front of ot to watch her for an entire hour I irl, surprised to find the drea Her hair really was that silvery white color that seelow, and her skin reminded me of a set of white satin sheets my mother had when I was little She chewed on the inside of her lip like it was gum Every once in awhile her teeth would freeze, and then she would turn her head just slightly to the right and peek over her shoulder At me
Two points to Team Cole
Less than ten minutes before Shakespeare was over, the phone in ain Lia rand total of six schools in h had the most oppressive cell phone policy of all of theht with one in a classroouardian at the end of the week The second time? The school kept it until the end of the year I’ their folks would buy theht on purpose just so they would have an excuse to get whatever the newest shiny gadget Steve Jobs’s team had wheeled out I, however, didn’t have parents and couldn’t afford a new phone If this one got taken away I was screwed, and Lia a dra before I pulledand the chair, I clicked on the text es
"What is the situation?"
For a complete know-it-all, Liam could be exceptionally stupid
"In class," I sent back, praying the teacher didn’t look my way as I fumbled with the keys
Liaet out," cah at almost the sa rabbed my phone and headed towards the hallhich was a cell phone safe zone
"Checking in"
"And Scout is beautiful, s to ood It’s the Alex Cole Coht?"
"Gotta work Stay Away Froot its own period Guess that was to help with my comprehension since he didn’t think I heard him the first million times
I tucked my phone in my pocket and followed the horde towards the center of the building where various unappetizing food s stench
The absolute worst part about the first day at a new school is lunch You don’t kno the lines work or what foodsintimate with the restroom Sometimes you strike up a conversation with someone in line and therefore have a place to sit, but that’s almost worse than the times you have to find a place of your own Too many times those line chatterers are the exact kind of person you don’t want to spend the only non-educational thirty minutes of your day with Luckily, Lake County was the type of school where the students had all known each other since Kindergarten Social circles were forrade, and it was ale your way into one of the pre-established groups No one so much as looked er and cold fries, which meant I had to deal with the nor in thefor a place to sit
"Oh thank God!" A soft, fe to think there was no hope for this lunch period," Ashley said "But now, look! Voila! Worst lunch period has officially beco to say to that, but it was okay Ashley didn’t need a conversation partner so much as an audience "Look, there is a booth free over in the corner Let’s snag it up before one of these squirmy little freshmen try to take it"