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As Savage leaves Reed’s guest house after our stilted, aard conversation about “Hate Sex High,” I shove , close my eyes, and listen carefully Ame know she’s returned fro it hard to give e’s voice in my ears
Presently, Savage’s sexy voice is singing, “You’re falling in hate withI don’t want to feel” And I can’t help wonderingwhat is the so—the soe swore, up and down, that the entire song was “pure fiction” But then, he immediately backtracked and said the chorus was a “popcorn lie” he’d spun fro is, though, I hadn’t even e felt the need to vehe the dude doth protest too much
The song continues to the second half of the chorus, the part where Savage sings a string of “la la’s” And, once again, I hear my name at the ends of those lines Repeatedly Yep, that’s definitely e’s voice is buried in the“la la” Most likely to preserve deniability for Savage But, nonetheless, anyone with the ability to hear would be able to discern my name at the end of those la la’s
A flash of energy courses throughenthrall or angerSavage belting outhe’s explicitly identifyingmy blood simmer and every hair on my body stand at full attention
The song continues, with Savagethree tis, twice, before speaking the line in a se concludes in the bridge, “You’re chasingahate sex high”—and as Savage sings the titular lyrics of the song, a shiver skates across my skin As freaked out as I aht of the hot tub as I listen The night I did, in fact, chase a hate sex high with Savage, all the way to three glorious orgas I’d experienced before
I feel a tap onat me She holds up a , which is currently barreling into its final chorus, and check myself out in the mirror
“Looks great,” I say “Thank you”
“You’re welcome”
“Who’s sitting in your chair next?” I ask, hoping she’ll say Aloha, and when she does, I tap out a text to et her ass down to Reed’s guest house as soon as possible—earlier than scheduled—because I need to talk to her about soent