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Page 64 (1/2)

In an effort to distract herself, she spent theon brides another iteht from a bottle

"You look different today," Kenna said as Brook Lynn th lavender beauty fit for a fairy queen

Heat pooled in Brook Lynn’s cheeks The only thing different about her was the brief taste of satisfaction she’d experienced in Jase’s ar roo over at Brook Lynn and singing, "I knohat youuuu diiiiidd I know I know I really, really know"

"You lie!" Brook Lynn said "You know nothing"

Kenna pointed to the whiskey "You take another swig right this second, Miss Dillon, and then you tellwhile staring off at nothing and why you’ve got a bruise the size of my butt on your neck"

The hickey! Crap!

Both Jessie Kay and Kenna burst into laughter as she slapped a hand over her neck Clearly they kneas "different" about her, but had decided to tease her

"I’ll drink, but I’ll never tell you devious slags anything" Eyes narrowed, she bent down and grabbed the whiskey bottle at her feet then chugged Oh, the burn! But with the third s, she actually began to like it Her skin flushed, and a drugging nuet this," she heard herself say "Jase and I made out"

It was as if she’d just let the air out of a balloon

"Made out?" Jessie Kay gave her a thuht you’d sealed the deal"

"Hardly" She faced herself in the mirror, irritated by the sudden, defeated slump in her shoulders "He refused"

Why had Jase denied her? Had he sied his h it should be illegal for guys Or had he not enjoyed what they were doing?

No Definitely not that one He’d corenade hard

Men! She would never understand theave her rear a sive it to you last night There’s always toht?"

Always tomorrow

The words played in a loop in Brook Lynn’s ht Had he, perhaps, hoped for a second go-round? Because not actually sleeping with her left their legal and binding contract in play

Her jaw dropped Was that why he’d stopped? There was a good chanceyes, she thought, and soht as well have tapped her vein and injected her with happiness I’s of whiskey before putting the bottle back on the floor and picking up her phone Texting Jase to ask for confirht now The best! Absolutely nothing could go wrong

But as her fingers flew over the keyboard, Do you want more from me or not? wasn’t what she typed

Guess what? U missed out, Jase Hollister U could have had ALL this

She waved to encompass her entire body Wait He couldn’t see her Should she send a video, too? Nah