Page 46 (1/2)

Taylor lifted my tote and slipped it over his shoulder "Thanks"

"Could I just…" I reached for the tote

Taylor leaned down to give me better access I pulled out an walking, and Thomas reached back for my hand I took his hand, and we followed his brother to the exit

"I drove around for half an hour before I found a parking spot in thebreak, so everyone is traveling, I guess"

"When did you get into town? What are you driving?" Thomas asked

Suddenly, I didn’t feel so bad Thomas sounded more like FBI than I did

"I’ve been here since yesterday"

The moarettes fro into the pack again and pulled out a lighter He lit the end and puffed until the paper and tobacco glowed orange

He blew out a puff of so before, Liis?"

"I’m from here actually"

Taylor stopped abruptly "Really?"

"Yes," I said,an octave as if it were a question

"Huh Millions of people in San Diego, and Thoirl from Illinois"

"Taylor, Jesus," Tho to look atexpression, one that wouldto realize it was just a Maddox trait

"Is Falyn at Dad’s?" Thomas asked

Taylor shook his head "She had to work She’s ether"

"Did Trav pick you up from the airport? Or did Trent?" Tho Thohed "I’m used to it He’s always been like this"

He walked ahead, but Thoht my hand up to his mouth for a tender tiny kiss

Taylor nodded "Shepley did Travis is with Shepley all day, so I drove Trav’s car to coet you He doesn’t knoe’re in town He thinks he’ll see us all in St Thoirls in St Thoave irls Just Abby and her bridesht ahead "I’ a hundred yards or so in the cold wind, Taylor pulled a set of keys from his pocket and pressed a button A silver Toyota Camry chirped a few cars ahead