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I looked up at her, desperate "Just kill un You can do it"

"Why would I do that? This is the best thing to happen to this squad in years Maddox got laid"

"You’re not going to tell anyone, right? Proriht We’re friends"

She craned her neck towardto me like I’m a mental patient?"

I blinked and shookthe worst day of my life"

"Well, you look hot" She walked away

"Thanks," I said to myself as I scanned the room

No one had heard our discussion, but it still felt like the secret was out I sank back into my chair and slipped on my headphones as Val left the squad roo into the hallway

I coveredlost How had I hly and before it even started?

Not only had I screwed ents also found out, it could jeopardize any chances I would have at prority at all, he would continually pass me over in fear that the truth would come out A promotion would look bad for both of us--not that it mattered Maddox had made a point to let everyone know that he wasn’t iiven one-hundred percent, and ood

I looked over my transcript and shook my head The translation was spot-on The report was co arrow and clicked it, playing the audio again

The longer the two Italian men’s voices bantered about a job and the hooker one of theht before, the er I took pride in o field office, and Maddox calling me out in front of everyone had just been poor forht about lunch with Val the day before and the warnings she’d given me about Maddox

"He will tell you that you’re worthless as an agent even if you’re the best of the best just so he can observe your performance when your confidence has been crushed"

I ripped the headphones froripped the report in my hands I rushed toward the ASAC’s office at the far end of the squad rooly beautiful woman who served as a checkpoint before one could enter Maddox’s office suite The nameplate on her desk read CONSTANCE ASHLEY, a na in soft waves, cascading just a bit over her shoulders, nearlyher porcelain skin She peered up at me from under thick lashes, and she practically batted her eyes at ent Lindy," she said with just a hint of a Southern twang Constance’s rosy cheeks, poise, and down-home disposition were all a ruse Her steely blue eyes betrayed her

"Miss Ashley," I said, nodding

She offered a sweet smile "Just Constance"

"Just Liis" I tried not to sound as impatient as I felt She was nice, but I was rather anxious to speak with Maddox

She touched the tiny apparatus in her ear and then nodded "Agent Lindy, I’ent Maddox is away from his desk May I set up an appointment?"

"Where is he?" I asked

"That’s classified," she said, her sweet se "Thankfully, I have top-secret clearance"