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Norkan stepped forward to translate for Androl, and Oscagne retired to the Elene side of the room to perform the same service The Tamuls had perfected the tedious but necessary business of translation toAndrol pondered the matter for a few moments Then he smiled at Ehlana and spoke to her in Ta,’ Norkan began his translation ‘Gladly do we greet Ehlana-Queen once more, for her presence is like the sunshine co winter’
‘Oh, that’s very nice,’ Sephrenia et the poetic side of the Atan nature’
‘Moreover,’ Norkan continued his translation, ‘glad are we to welcome the fabled warriors of the west and the wise- verbatim
Emban politely inclined his head
‘Clearly we see our common concern in the matter at hand, and staunchly e join with the West-warriors in such acts as are needful’
Androl spoke again, pausing from time to time for translation ‘Our minds have been unquiet in seasons past, for we have failed in tasks set for us by our Matherion-masters This troubles us, for we are not accustohtly mortified as he ne-Emperor-Speaker has told you of our difficulties in parts of Tamuli beyond our own borders Shamed are we that he has spoken truly’
Queen Betuana said soet on with it,’ Sephrenia murmured to Sparhawk ‘It appears that his tendency to be flowery irritates her – at least that was the i to Norkan in an apologetic tone
‘That’s a surprise,’ Norkan said, obviously speaking for hi secrets froain, and Norkan’s translation beca seemed to lay formality aside ‘He says that there have been incidents here in Atan itself It’s an internal ed to tell me about it He says they’ve encountered creatures he calls "the shaggy ones" As I understand it, the creatures are even bigger than the tallest Atans’
‘Long ar bones in the face? Pointed teeth?’
Norkan translated into Ta Androl looked at Ulath with some surprise Then he nodded
‘Trolls!’ Ulath said ‘Ask him how many his people have seen at any one time’
‘Fifty or more,’ came the reply
Ulath shook his head ‘That’s very unlikely,’ he said flatly ‘You ether, but never fifty all at once’
‘He wouldn’t lie,’ Norkan insisted
‘I didn’t say he did, but Trolls have never behaved that way before If they had, they’d have driven us out of Thalesia’