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Domes of Fire David Eddings 15720K 2023-09-01

‘The birds are awake’ Danae announced it ally

‘I’ as the kitten lurking beneath the covers began to rhythru just fine until now Please ask your cat not to use me for a pin-cushion’

‘She does it because she loves you’

‘That fills my heart I’d still rather have her keep her claws to herself, though’

‘Is he always like this in thethe little girl ‘I think it depends on what he had for supper’

Man to purr Adult cats purr with a certain decorous , Danae’s srist-ive up,’ Sparhawk said He threw back the covers, cli with the three of you around,’ he accused theave hied a worried look Sparhawk scooped up Danae’s stuffed toy and a He could hear Ehlana and Danae whispering as he left He plumped the toy into a chair ‘It’s absolutely i sure that his women-folk could hear him ‘I don’t kno you can stand it’

There was a profound silence froo away for a while,to treat us like pieces of furniture’

Rollo didn’t say anything, but then Rollo seldo in the doorway, however, see well, Sparhawk?’

‘I’m fine, little mother Why do you ask?’ He hadn’t really expected anyone to witness a perforhter

‘You do realise that you’re talking to a stuffed toy, don’t you?’

Sparhawk stared at Rollo in ht, Sephrenia How strange that I didn’t notice that Maybe it has so rousted out of bed at the crack of dawn’ No ood face on this, it wasn’t going to go very well

‘What on earth are you talking about, Sparhawk?’

‘You see, Rollo?’ Sparhawk said, trying to rescue so ‘They just don’t understand – any of them’

‘Ah – Prince Sparhawk?’ It was Ehlana’s e eyes were concerned ‘Are you all right?’

Things were deteriorating all around Sparhawk ‘It’s a long, long story, Alean,’ he sighed

‘Have you seen the princess, ely

‘She’s in bed with her e fro to the bath-house – if anybody cares’ And he stalked fro behind hi ular, uncoy black eyebrows and a deep, rich voice He was Sephrenia’s oldest friend, and was generally conceded to be the wisest and ician in Styricum He wore a white, cowled robe and carried a staff, which orous and did not need any aid when he walked He spoke the Elenic language very well, although with a heavy Styric accent They gathered that arden to hear the details of as really going on in Tamuli