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Domes of Fire David Eddings 16810K 2023-09-01

‘That’s why it’s essa pointed out ‘If she were adult, she would do it herself Children sometimes do not know their oorth’

‘But a child cannot be as valuable as an adult’

‘That’s not always entirely true, Sparhawk-Knight The younger a woreater her price’

‘Oh, this is absurd,’ Ehlana broke in The negotiations were of a delicate nature and would normally have taken place in private ‘Normally’, however, did not always apply to Sparhaife ‘Your offer’s completely unacceptable, Sparhawk’

‘Whose side are you on, dear?’ he asked her mildly

‘Mirtai’s my friend I won’t peret thatto sell hi a point’

Sir Tynian had also stopped by Of all of their group, he was closest to Kring, and he keenly felt the responsibilities of friendship ‘What sort of offer would your Majesty consider properly respectful?’ he asked Ehlana

‘Not a horse less than sixty,’ she declared adamantly

‘Sixty!’ Tynian exclaimed ‘You’ll impoverish him! What kind of a life will Mirtai have if you ’s hardly a pauper, Sir Knight,’ she retorted ‘He still has all that gold King Soros paid hiold, your Majesty,’ Tynian pointed out ‘It belongs to his people’

Sparhawk sessa Unobtrusively, the two stepped away froessa,’ he tentatively suggested

‘Most probably,’ Engessa agreed

‘It seems like a fair nue of an offer

‘It’s ht’

‘Me too Done then?’

‘Done’ The two of them clasped hands ‘Should we tell the his face

‘They’re having a lot of fun,’ Sparhawk grinned ‘Why don’t we let theuess was Besides, these negotiations are very iree in just a few ht make them feel cheapened’

‘You have been essa observed ‘You knoell the hearts of men – and of woessa-Atan,’ Sparhawk replied ruefully

The negotiations between Tynian and Ehlana had reached the tragic stage, each of the out hearts and siances Ehlana’s perfor flair for histrionics, and she was a highly skilled orator She exteardliness, her voice rising and falling in majestic cadences Tynian, on the other hand, was coolly rational, although he too beca hands not far away, their eyes filled with concern as they hung breathlessly on every word Tiku to hear