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Ehlana had been trapped by the baron’s wife, and she was beginning to look a little desperate
‘The estate’s hty voice ‘My father was in his dotage when he married me off to that fat swine’ She sneered ‘Kotyk only had those piggish little eyes of his on the income from my estate My father was so impressed with the idiot’s title that he couldn’t see hily sisters hanging from his coat-tails’ She sneered, and then the sneer slid from her face, and the inevitable tears filled her eyes ‘I can only find solace for ion, my beloved brother’s art and in the satisfaction I take inabsolutely sure that those two harridans never see the lights of Darsas They’ll rot here – right up until theof a husband eats and drinks hi but the clothes on their backs’ Her hard eyes became exultant ‘I can hardly wait,’ she said fiercely ‘I shall have e, and then my sainted brother and I can live here in perfect contentment’
Princess Danae crawled up into her father’s lap ‘Lovely people, aren’t they?’ she said quietly
‘Are you ly
‘No, father, I can’t do that None of us can People are what they are We can’t change the’
‘There are li to do soh’
‘Your Elene God owesnice for Him once’
‘Why do you need His help?’
‘These people are Elenes They belong to Hi to them without His permission That’s the worst fors toto anybody’
‘That’s depressing I’uide uidance Advice so exotic here,’ he cautioned ‘We don’t know exactly e’ll be dealing e get deeper into Tamuli Let’s not announce our presence until we have to’ Then his curiosity got the better of hi very relevant yet’
‘Then keep listening, Sparhawk It will co to ask God to do to these people?’
‘Nothing,’ she replied ‘Absolutely nothing at all I won’t ask Hie their circumstances All I want Hi lives’
He looked around the table at the petulant faces of their host’s fa to imprison them here?’ he accused ‘Chain five people who loathe each other together for all eternity so that they can gradually tear each other to pieces?’
‘Not quite eternity, Sparhawk,’ the little girl corrected, ‘– though it’s probably going to seem that way to them’
‘That’s cruel’
‘No, Sparhawk It’s justice These people richly deserve each other I only want to be sure that they have a long ti about a breath of fresh air?’ Stragen asked, leaning over Sparhawk’s shoulder
‘It’s raining out there’
‘I don’t think you’ll melt’