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‘Sephrenia wants to talk with you again’
‘All right I’o up to the cupola again’
‘I’llup there, Aphrael We have to cli into the nave, Sparhawk I always have to stop and talk with your God, and He’s so tedious most of the time’
Sparhawk’s mind shuddered back from the i up to the top of the dome still shrieked their protest as Sparhawkclimb, and he inded when he reached the top
‘What took you so long?’ Danae asked hiirl sort of dress, so no one seemed to even notice that its cut was definitely Styric
‘You enjoy saying things like that to , father,’ she laughed
‘I hope no one saw you co princess just yet’
‘No one saw me, Sparhawk I’ve done this before, you know Trust ot a lot left to do today if we’re going to leave toed near one of the huge bells She lifted her face again and raised that flute-like trill Then her voice drifted off, and her face went blank
‘Where have you been?’ Sephrenia asked, opening Danae’s eyes to stare at her pupil
He sighed ‘If you two don’t stop that, I’o into another line of work’
‘Has Aphrael been teasing you again?’ she asked
‘Of course she has Did you know that she can fly?’
‘I’ve never seen her do it, but I’d assumed she could’
‘What did you want to seerue, shaggy creatures in the forests near their north coast’
‘So that’s where they went’
‘Don’t be cryptic, dear one’
‘Komier sent word to Ulath It seems that the Trolls have all left Thalesia’
‘The Trolls!’ she exclaimed ‘They wouldn’t do that! Thalesia’s their ancestral hoo tell the Trolls about that Kole one of the on here, Sparhawk’
‘A Can the Styrics there at Sarsos make any sense out of it yet?’