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Bourne’s brows snapped together "What are you saying?"

Cross s you ensure that your wife hasn’t grounds for annulment Take the woman to bed, Bourne Quickly"

Bourne did not have a chance to reply, as there was a sudden commotion in the main entryway to the club, beyond a wide oak door that stood half-open "I don’t give a damn that I’m not a member You’ll let me see him, or I shall make it my life’s purpose to destroy this placeand you with it"

Bourne aze, and the taller man said casually, "Have you ever noticed that it’s always the sah to deliver?"

"Did your companion have a husband by chance?"

Cross went stone-faced "That is one puddle in which I do not play"

"Not for you, then" Bourne headed for the door, pushing it open to find Bruno and Asriel, two of the door-e build face-first against the wall "Gentlemen," he drawled "What have you found?"

Asriel turned to hian to fight in earnest "Bourne! You’ll see nized the voice


It had been nine years since the last tiht his father had taken everything that Bourne had, with pleasure Since Tommy had chosen his inheritance--Bourne’s inheritance--over his friend

Nine years, and still the hot betrayal coursed through him at the way his friend had turned his back At the way he had been so complicit in his father’s actions

"Do not for one leefully meet you at dawn," he said "Indeed, I would think very carefully beforethe offer if I were you"

To Bourne "Call off your dogs"

Asriel growled deep in his throat, and Bruno thurunt, Bourne said, "Careful now, they do not take well to bad h between his shoulders, and Tommy winced "This isn’t their battle It’s yours"

Needhaeford’s son here to face Bourne and his anger "What you seek is not here"

"I hope to hell she isn’t"


And with that single word, it all fell into place

Tommy hadn’t come for Needham’s document Likely didn’t even know it existed

He had come for Penelope

He had coo"