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Plastic Hearts Lisa De Jong 27310K 2023-09-01

Mr Tho my attention back to the front of the room "Today is a discussion day I would like to talk about inspiration Artists are often inspired by people, thoughts, history and life events Think for a moment about what inspires you and let’s discuss" My art was inspired by people in my life who caused me pain No one cared what I had to say as a child and the canvas always listened to me I hadn’t touched paint all week and I knehy This was the one tio away

I stared at Dane’s back, willing him to look at me, but he kept his eyes fixed on the front of the rooo around the roo with you, Sara"

I tuned out all discussion until it was Dane’s turn He cleared his throat as he began to speak, "Life inspires me Life is unfair, unkind and unforeseeable It knocks you dohen you least expect it When I create a sculpture, I can control it I can create happiness even when I can’t feel it It’s a way to create what life isn’t giving me" My heart clenched at the sound of his voice I wondered how many sculptures he has created this week

I continued to process his words and lack of ehts When it was my turn, I froze I knehat inspiredup, not when he was in the room

Dane finally turned to face e at all He looked dejected and eers under his dark, sad eyes and kiss away all the pain I didn’t have any right to do that anyiven hiave away things you no longer wanted, but I wanted Danein my life

My body started to shake as I looked away fro a word A part of me wanted Dane to run after me, but I didn’t deserve that I wished I could take it all back and have his ar to happen I was falling with no one to catch me

I skipped Anatoain I wanted to wrapI didn’t feel like talking to anyone, but I accepted Gwen’s call when o to voicemail, but I hadn’t talked to her all week and I didn’t want her to call my mother in a panic "Hi" I didn’t even bother to lift my head from the pillow

"Alexandra, you haven’t called me all week What’s up?" She sounded cheery If only it were contagious

"Nothing really," I ood" Perceptive one, wasn’t she?

"Dane and I broke up" I heard an audible gasp

"What? Why? You guys looked so happy last weekend atabout last weekend; the dancing, the night in ht out in the rain I had never been happier in ave o" Bitterness streaked my voice

"Can I be honest with you?" When I didn’t say anything, she continued "I envied you When I saw you with Dane that weekend in New York, I wanted what you had I know Mom probably put soto tell you but Alexandra, you had what everyone wants" I gasped as I tried to catch ht decision, but instead she was confir added to the constant soundtrack that plays in my mind

"What should I do?" I asked

"Follow your heart," she whispered, surprisinghim I was confused and wished there was a way to see into the future What would the consequences have been if I stayed with Dane?

"Thanks, Gwen Look, I have to go Can we continue this later?" I had so to do and I wanted to do it without anyone infrom me, but I love you and want you to be happy" I liked this new version of Gwen, even if I really didn’t want to listen to her logic right now

"Thank you," I whispered before ending the call