Page 5 (1/2)
Lacey stared at the array of stuff on the bed in shock Apparently Cat hadn’t been the only one talking to Rafe There hat looked like a giant vibrator/dildo combo on her pillow, and the rest of the bed looked like the sex store had been having a clearance sale and Galen had decided to wipe the to take it all in She jiggled and wiggled until he set her on her feet again
Galen took her by the shoulder and turned her to face his have been strained between us I wanted to take care of you Help you relax" He traced the line of her neck with his forefinger and stilled her heart with the vulnerable, sweet look on his face
Leave it to Galen to bring a bunch of sex toys into the bedrooasht not have it right, though It had been a long time since they made love just for the sake of it Since before the last round of shots Maybe this was the way to get back to where they’d started before the stress of the wedding and the difficulties of trying to start a faaze never leaving hers Whether or not this worked, even te o
She took a tentative step toward the bed and scanned the iteot?"
He pulled up beside her and ticked off the list on his fingers "Let’s see, that there’s your standard variety vibrator That’s so lube That," he pointed to a small, round device that looked a little like a pacifier, "is a butt plug--"
She held up a hand to stop hi horror
"Look, I went in and asked the lady behind the counter to give ht want but be afraid to ask for" He shrugged helplessly "I took the bag, and gave her the money"
"So what are you supposed to do with it?"
He eyed her incredulously "For real? It’s called a butt plug What do you think you’re supposed to do with it?"
She scratched her nose and nodded, trying not to let the apprehension show "Okay I’ll do it But if it hurts, just let aped at her and shook his head "Aw, no Sweetie That’s not for me"
The last of her buzz faded, and she took a step back "Nope Not going to happen" They’d had so was the size of a Ring Ding There was no way that was going anywhere near the backdoor
"Fine Butt plug is off the table Now come on, there’s tons of other stuff that you’d probably really like if we gave it a go"
She craned her head closer but didn’t step in, like she was peering into the cage of a lion "What about that?" she asked, pointing to a sle button on it
"That’s just a different kind of vibrator"
That estured to what looked like a bag of ribbons
"Those are restraints" His voice went dark and husky, and suddenly those looked kind of interesting, too
"Okay" She turned to face his I want to try and we’ll put the rest away for further consideration Deal?"
He nodded "Deal"
She strolled around the bed, amazed at the array, and at the way she could al her to pick up certain iteet a closer look at a pair of fur-lined cuffs And when she picked up a wide, flat plank that was obviously soether Very interesting She kept that, and with a silent prayer for courage, took up the restraints, the cuffs, and the vibrator
"Okay Ready," she announced
He stepped in and swept the rest of the stuff onto the floor "I’ll put it away later I can’t wait another second to get you between those sheets," he said softly
Her heart stuttered, and she wanted to cry When was the last time he’d looked at her exactly that way? Like he couldn’t wait to tear her clothes off? Maybe it wasenough attention to hiht, she ith hied and present
He took the ite hands and set them on the bedside table "Lay back and let me undress you," he s over the side He knelt next to her and began unbuttoning her blouse, stopping to drop a sucking kiss to every inch he exposed "I love when you wear clothes like this You’re my own sexy schoolteacher" Another kiss, this one over the peach silk of her bra "When you’re getting dressed in the s, fixing your lipstick, it takes all s you’ve just done"
He lifted her ar one over her right wrist then the other over her left
"Leave your hands over your head," he said
Her stomach was exposed now, and the icy blast froh her He leaned in to trail his fingers over ribcage, and then lower He unzipped her skirt, pressing his lips to her calf as he slid the fabric down her body