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Page 19 (1/2)

Charade Nyrae Dawn 27810K 2023-09-01

I see the shock register on Deena’s face She didn’t expect Cheyenne to fight back She looks like the tiny dancer she is Looks like the princess I’ve accused her of being That’s what Deena expected

"Good for you" Deena grasps for so to say, but just stands there

"Did you need so else? We’re a little busy here"

"Bitch," Deenaaway

I bury ret this later, but my buzz doesn’t seehs and says "Well, you have your uses She was right You are pretty good and I like your o around ht want her to stick around too

Adrian nudges my shoulder a while later

"What’s up lover boy?"

"Fuck off," I tell him I rip my eyes away from Cheyenne as she talks to her roo here and watching her, I don’t know

"You’re different" Adrian takes a pull froarette

"Why do you do that? Want to read arette out and pushes it into a beer can "I’m not psychic and don’t think I am I just pay attention to shit I’m not afraid to say it either You act like an asshole and I tell it how it is" He shrugs and walks away

I push every thought out ofmy Tiny Dancer



I wake up naked and in Colt’s ar a habit--a planned one, but one all the same His hand is latched onto ically attach it if he could I don’t get guys and their obsession with boobs Not that I have huge ones, but I still struggle with guys talking to my chest instead of e in his breathing that he’s waking up He shifts, his hand tightens and I know he’s really awake

"Even in your sleep all you think about is sex," I tease

"Can you blas I ood, but I have stuff I need to do Plus, I’ We usually don’t I always leave

"I can’t" I jueht back" I pull on his shirt and a pair of shorts before heading to the bathroo room This place is always packed with people I know it’s Adrian and not Colt, but it still gets frustrating

I go to the bathroom and then brush my teeth with the toothbrush I hid here When I head back into the roouy can sleep more than anyone I know His school schedule isn’t full tio… I have hoet into inning, but there’s soirl feel sexy… Loved Not that I want to be loved by his like what’s he’s about to say isn’t a big deal, but the nerves in my stomach tell me it is

"So do it here I have so happens inside th so far We’re nothing alike I think he hates ether We’re a in to soften inside It’s that stupid girl heart-pounding, hearts-floating-by-hts so hard to keep the distance, does soe I can’t help but let it inside Let it ht now because Colt and I wouldn’t work It wouldn’t be like it ith Gregory He could really hurtat ry at all It almost sounds confused "It’s just hoht Don’tto play it off "I didn’t do anything Sounds like you’re the onedeal Do you want me to fall for you, Colt?" I want to tease him and call hi that has to do with her doesn’t feel right

He doesn’t answer my question, but says, "Is your stuff in your car?"

"Yeah I’ll run and get it"

Colt shakes his head "I’ll go I’ain ain so on the bed, I take in the viehile Colt gets dressed I can tell he knows I’et off on it He only slips on a pair of sweats and no shirt before he disappears He’s gone for about five ets back in the room, Colt closes the door and tosses me my backpack

"Do you need the computer?" he asks

Computer? I didn’t even know he had one "No I have to write a paper, but I have to do first drafts with pen and paper"

"You’re fucking crazy" He winks as he speaks, then grabs a set of keys and unlocks a box in the closet, before pulling out a laptop

"You lock up your coht?"