Page 1481 (1/2)
Chapter 1480: Flinching!
“Save me!” shouted a voice People turned around and saw E attacked by two assassins He had already lost an arlanced at that, but he see is friends with E, so why don’t you help him!” said Emperor Wen suddenly
But the Wen Clan wasn’t friends with the Si Kong Clan and the Qi Clan, Emperor Wen didn’t actually hope so Clan has a medium-level emperor, why doesn’t he come out?” asked someone else The crowd frowned It was the emperor who hadn’t shown up yet, the one who had attacked the e the other
“Slash, slash…” deadly energies sealed the space However, that medium-level emperor still didn’t appear
A horrible shriek sounded as E lost another arm Two assassins fro hi hi furiously He released eies with his eyes, but the two assassins entered another eies
Someone else was in an even , it was Emperor Yan He had almost disappeared co the cultivators ere attacking hi in a fire
“Fu Hei, come here!” said Emperor Yan to Fu Hei
“Teacher!” Fu Hei’s eyes were bloodshot Eet near
“After I die, you will e the Fire Mountain” said Emperor Yan Fu Hei nodded, his face was deathly pale He looked devastated
“He can’t receive all your fire coso to waste Give soe you” said the old
Elanced at the old ht, Eenius You’re right”
Then coshts appeared
One lightand one towards Fu Hei, instantly penetrating their bodies The terrifying cosies suddenly ies overwhel to burn to death Unfortunately, he wasn’t an eies
“Eies only when he is dying Don’t waste the Lin Feng nodded and closed his eyes while sensing the pure cos had cleansed his body witheven stronger Unknowingly, his body started burning Fu Hei was the same Behind Fu Hei, a fire silhouette appeared which looked like a fire spirit
Fu Hei apparently had a celestial fire body type