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Chapter 883: Evil Li Shang

Who created that ss, back then, on the Heruka statue true?

Lin Feng’s eyes were twinkling The gigantic statue was still there, but noas on fire Lin Feng could still see the warning written in small letters on the statue It said that no one should attack the statue, but Lin Feng attacked it anyways Lin Feng felt a little guilty now He had acted carelessly and Xue Yue had to pay for his carelessness

The one who had written that warning knew everything, perhaps he was the author of the painting as well?

Lin Feng couldn’t figure that out right now He grabbed the painting and took out a demon seal stone

He sla had to use three stones to seal the hole The fire outside suddenly beca was firain Who would have thought that that painting contained another world?

Lin Feng took the painting and the demon seal stones and left the palace He rose up in the air and looked at the desolate fields, sighing

“Let’s go” said Lin Feng, now on the back of his roc They were going to go hunt fire wolves

Very quickly, Lin Feng arrived in front of a group of fire wolves He took out his soul flag and sed all the wolves in a flash The flag twinkled with bestial lights as it ate the suddenly He was surprised to see a seal on his soul flag Lin Feng never realized it before That soul seal, needless to say, had been left by Li Shang

Li Shang was a cultivator of the Tian Qi layer and had rushed to that world on purpose

At the sairl to a roo raped by Li Shang

At thatso he looked into the distance He noticed Lin Feng and s, he wouldn’t have been able to find a way out He was now completely free He could enjoy wo was i around I’ll co with an evil sirl

At thatsword Qi and annihilated all the fire wolves Then, his roc fleards Li Shang

That place was a beautiful city in Xue Yue, it was called Sky Clouds City There were rivers, irls in that city were known to be beautiful It used to be zhou City, but now the city was a bloodbath

Not such a long ti a black cape ca people like insects and raping women He truly was a psychopath

However, nobody could stop him in Sky Clouds City Cultivators at the Tian Qi layer were the strongest in Xue Yue So but failed and were killed instantly For Li Shang, killing was a passion, a pleasure, a game